What is Stress & How To Stress Less

Stress can be defined as a state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation.

Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives. Everyone experiences stress just in varying degrees.

The most common signs of stress are:

  • Irritability ,anger, feeling impatient or wound up

  • Over-burdened or overwhelmed

  • Anxious, nervous or afraid

  • Like your thoughts are racing and you can’t switch them off

  • Unable to enjoy yourself

  • Feeling depressed

  • Feeling uninterested in life

  • Feeling like you’ve lost your sense of humor

Types of Stress are acute stress, chronic stress, and episodic acute stress.

  • Acute Stress is usually brief (traffic jam, argument with a loved one, criticism from your boss)

  • Chronic Stress is prolonged (starting a new job, losing a job, difficulties at work or school)

  • Episodic acute stress is short- term but frequent (people who make self-inflicted, unrealistic or unreasonable demands which impacts someone’s ability to move forward with their goal)

  • Positive Stress can be fun and exciting but can also take a toll (riding a roller coaster or meeting an exciting challenge in your life)

Ways to manage stress:

  • Deep Breath (I can’t say this one enough, it will help your central nervous system go from high alert to calm)

  • Socialize (speaking with people and getting perspectives/ getting out of your head is very helpful for stress

  • Exercise- (let’s give your stress a positive outlet to be released from the body)

  • Sleep (this is a basic need and your mind and body will thank you if you have good sleep hygiene)

4 A’s to stress management:

  • Alter the situation if possible

  • Accept the things you cannot change

  • Adapt to the situation

  • Avoid unnecessary stress


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